Sirehna - Moving Mass Stabilisation System

12.02.2008 nauCAT
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Sirehna - Moving Mass Stabilisation System
Technical details
Producer: Sirehna (FR)

Sirehna is providing an innovative anti-roll Moving Mass Stabilising System. This stabilisation system is based on one or several compact masses moving transversally to the ship axis. The motions of the masses are actively controlled by electric motors in order to counteract the roll motions of the yacht. This system is effective at anchor, at low speed or while sailing. The moving masses represent roughly 1.5 to 2% of ship displacement. The system can be used as anti heeling system and installed on new designs or refits. Compact and more easily integrated in ship architecture than conventional anti-roll tanks it has no appendices outside the hull as for fins systems and consequently no drag penalty. (

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